TJA 7.b – 1. 4.

What will life be like in the future? – predictions

(Kakšno bo življenje v prihodnosti? – napovedi)

Watch the video and have a look at the exercise 3.a in your book on page 121. How will life change in the future?


Go to page 122, and look at the pictures, read the sentences and write down some of your predictions for the future.

Odpri zvezek, napiši naslov What will life be like in the future? – predictions in zapiši nekaj tvojih napovedi za prihodnost. Pomagaj si z nalogo b v učbeniku na strani 122. Tvori trdilne ali  nikalne povedi. Uporabi prihodnjik z will (will future). Primeri: I think people will live on Mars in the future. The world won’t have one language.

Listen to three teenagers (Megan, Corey and Vicky) talking about what they think about the future. Note down in your notebook what they say about the different topics (ex. 4a).


Check 4a

Let’s finish this lesson in your workbook. Do exercises 3 and 4 on page 131.

Exercise 3 

2. cities, sea; 3. moving pavements; 4. three-element houses; 5. Robots; 6. sleep; 7. flying cars/skycars; 8. computers; 9. cable car.

What do you think we’ll do next time? Can you predict?


Ta vnos je bil objavljen v TJA-7. Zaznamek za trajno povezavo.

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