TJA 8 – 14. 4.

Are ZOOs good or bad?

Do you like going to the ZOOs? Have you ever thought about animals living in the ZOOs, what is it like for them? Do they like it or not? Are ZOOs good for the animals or us, people watching them and learning about them?

Try to think about advantages and disadvantages of ZOOs. Klick on the padlet and add your ideas.


Watch the two videos and find out more pros and cons.

Open your book on page 129 and look at some more arguments for and against the ZOOs.

Write a composition and send it to your teacher.

Razmišljaj o tem, zakaj so živalski vrtovi dobri in zakaj ne. Poglej video posnetka in preberi argumente za in proti v učbeniku na strani 129. Napiši sestavek v angleščini, v katerem:

  • razpravljaš o prednostih živalskih vrtov,
  • zapišeš nekaj pomanjkljivosti in
  • izraziš svoje mnenje in izkušnje v zvezi s tem.

Spis natipkaj in ga pošlji svoji učiteljici po elektronski pošti.


Ta vnos je bil objavljen v TJA-8. Zaznamek za trajno povezavo.

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